ohio catmail login
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Many older email/calendar applications will stop working later this year when Microsoft disables Basic Authentication. Find out how to migrate to modern authentication. Log in by navigating to: https://catmail.ohio.edu. Setting up your Catmail account in an email client. How to report a scam email.
Learn how to access and use the university email system, send emails to various audiences, and get email support from UCM. This web page does not provide login information for CatMail, the student email service.
Trying to sign you in. Cancel. Terms of use Privacy & cookies… Privacy & cookies…
Sign in with. Can’t access your account? For help, please call (740) 593-1222 or visit the IT Service Desk. For security reasons, please log out and close your web browser when you are done accessing services that require authentication.
My Personal Information (MPI): Self-service access to absence management, employment history, pay and tax information, employee benefits, faculty/staff directory, and more. Catmail: Microsoft 365-based email accounts for OHIO students, faculty, staff.
Logging in to Catmail. You must use your full OhioID@ohio.edu email address instead of just your Ohio ID when signing into a Microsoft service like Catmail. Safari on Mac OS. If you repeatedly get sent back to the log in page when using Safari on Mac OS to access C atmail, try using a different browser like Chrome or Firefox .
Catmail offers Microsoft 365-based email accounts for OHIO students, faculty, staff, and alumni.
Login: https://catmail.ohio.edu. Who can access. All OHIO faculty, staff, and students. Emeriti, applicants, and alumni. Sponsored guest accounts. Sponsor must request email access. How to request access. No request is needed. Email and calendar are enabled automatically when you activate your OHIO account. Platforms required to access. PC and Mac.
Enter your full OHIO email address. When prompted, log in with your OHIO ID and password. If you would like to use your device’s built-in mail and calendar apps, generic settings are available; however, we cannot guarantee full compatibility for any app other than Outlook.
It looks like you’ve arrived on the login page but are already logged in. Please avoid accessing https://webapps.ohio.edu/oauth/l
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