zconnect enterprise edition login
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Con la App ZConnect puoi: – consultare da mobile e salvare i tuoi documenti personali: cedolino, foglio presenze, CU, piano ferie ecc.; – leggere sempre e dovunque tutte le comunicazioni…
ZConnect – Enterprise Edition is available for all companies that purchased Zucchetti’s HR Portal. For further information on ZConnect App – Enterprise Edition take a look at the FAQs…
L‘App ZConnect – Enterprise Edition è utilizzabile da tutte le aziende che vogliono innovare la comunicazione interna rivolta ai dipendenti e aumentare il coinvolgimento nella gestione delle Risorse Umane.
IBM z/OS Connect. Create truly RESTful APIs to and from your IBM Z mainframe. Integration Guide for Hybrid Cloud. IBM z/OS® Connect is software that is used to design and run OpenAPI conformant APIs to interact with z/OS applications and data.
With the ZConnect App you can: – Consult and save your personal documents from mobile: payslip, attendance sheet, tax return; – Read communications, memorandums and staying updated about all company news;
Mit der App ZConnect können Sie: – über Mobiltelefon Ihre persönlichen Dokumente wie Lohnstreifen, Anwesenheitsblatt, CU (Einheitliche Bescheinigung – Certificazione Unica), Urlaubsplan usw.,…
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z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition enables you to empower a wide community of developers with a simple and intuitive way to consume data and services hosted on IBM Z. You can expose IBM Z assets as APIs without changing your backend applications. You can also use z/OS Connect to easily call APIs from those same
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