phr ihs gov login
If you are searching for “phr ihs gov login” and not getting the correct link for it, then use the below links.
The Indian Health Service Personal Health Record helps you access your health information. You can track medications, get your lab results, contact your healthcare provider, and much more—all from the privacy of your personal computer and mobile device.
Access your health records online with PHR, a secure portal for IHS patients. Track your appointments, medications, and test results easily.
Step 1: Visit your local Indian Health System facility. Step 2: Bring one form of identification with you (see examples below). Step 3: Show identification to the PHR Registration Clerk at the Indian Health System facility. Example Forms of identification: Driver’s License. Tribal Identification Card. Employment Identification Card/Badge.
1. Go to in your Google Chrome web browser. 2. Click the button labeled “Register to use PHR.” 3. Choose a username and password that you can remember. 4. You will be asked to enter some information
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