pg officer login
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CPGRAMS is a portal for citizens to lodge grievances to public authorities on service delivery issues. It is not a login portal for PG officers, but a platform to track and appeal grievance status.
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User Login. CPGRAMS / PGPORTAL credentials can be used to login to this portal. Mobile Number / Email Id. OTP. Get OTP. Security code.
Centralized Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) is an online platform available to the citizens 24×7 to lodge their grievances to the public authorities on any subject related to service delivery.
SALIENT FEATURES OF PGRAMS. Monitoring dash board for Public Grievance officers. Grievance Monitor to have holistic view. Enhanced Operability. Role based Logins. Seamless Navigation. ***** * Recommended Browsers * 1. Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or Higher for Windows (Download Latest Internet Explorer Browser) 2. Mozilla Firefox 3.0 or …
Login for Ministries/Departments/Organizations: This application has form based authentication security architecture for access control. User is required Username and Password to login which is provided by parent organization.
- How to Register & then lodge your Complaint with Indian Government? Daily Tech Tutorials. 73K subscribers. 208. 30K views 6 years ago. In this video I talk about how you can…
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