peak login k12
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Manage online learning and personalize instruction with the PEAK platform. With PEAK, educators have powerful, intuitive tools to manage online and blended learning programs, monitor performance, customize courses, and personalize instruction to help each student thrive and excel.
Please enter your username and email address associated with your account and we’ll send you details on how to log in again. Still not working or forgot your username? Please submit a ticket in our support center. User Name. Email.
Use PEAK to apply for or manage your medical, SNAP, cash or other State of Colorado benefits.
Sign in to PEAK (Fueled) to access classes. You will be directed to your class homepage, which is on the Brightspace server. Fuel Education provides innovative digital curriculum, technology, instruction, and support through an online learning management system.
Our school calendar is programmed into Edgenuity and Stride K12, so there is no work assigned on district days off. Online attendance is recorded by student progress and for online students, attendance is additionally captured in their required Zoom and/or Google Meet sessions.
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Student Application Login.
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