padohmmp custhelp com app login
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Medical Marijuana Program
2020 Act 10 – PA General Assembly. The Pennsylvania Department of Health is in the process of implementing the state’s Medical Marijuana Program, signed into law on April 17, 2016. When fully implemented, the Medical Marijuana Program will provide access to medical marijuana for patients with a serious medical condition through a safe and …
Renew – Department of Health Marijuana/Pages/Renew.aspx
Renew My Registration What’s new? Effective July 30, 2020 you no longer need to renew your registration in order to maintain your participation in the Medical Marijuana Program.
Support Login –
Create an Account. This secure communication channel puts taxpayers directly in touch with the Department of Revenue agents electronically, much like email but without the risk of compromising confidential taxpayer information. To establish secure and direct communication with department representatives, simply create a user account by …
How do I register with the Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana ……
How do I register with the Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Program? Before your visit you MUST register with the Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Program.
You have reached the universal login site for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It will allow you access to many sites within the Commonwealth. In order to login click the Login link on the top of this page.
Getting Medical Marijuana – PA.Gov
Getting medical marijuana through Pennsylvania’s medical marijuana program involves four basic steps: Register for the program through the Medical Marijuana Registry. Have a physician certify that you suffer from one of the medical conditions that qualify for medical marijuana. Pay for a medical marijuana ID card.
Home Page []
You have reached the universal login site for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It will allow you access to many sites within the Commonwealth. In order to login click the Login link on the top of this page.
Make a Payment on a Patient Account
Version 15 and Lower . Under Activities | Receive Payment, type the full or partial last name of the patient and press the Tab key, or enter the ID of the patient in the ID field and then press the Tab key. (If more than one patient exists in your database with the same last name, choose the correct name and select OK.)The account balance information is displayed.
Create a New Account –
Enter your e-Signature User ID used for PA Department of Revenue’s e-Services ( e-TIDES, etc.), if applicable. Last 4 digits of SSN. Individuals: Please enter the last 4 digits of the primary filer’s Social Security Number (SSN) for your account. Individuals: Please enter the last 4 digits of the primary filer’s Social Security …
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