optos advantage login
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Optos, Inc. 500 Nickerson Road, Suite 201, Marlborough MA 01752 USA 800-854-3039 | optos.com
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Log In to your Optos account. Email: Password: Remember me. Log In. Log In with Email. Forgot your password?
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Access Optos Advance using your web browser, using the address and login information provided by your administrator.
The Optos Advance user interface follows typical clinical workflow patterns to process, review, and analyze digital images. The key features include: Store, Retrieve and Display DICOM image data. Access patient Data securely. Search patient studies and select images for closer examination.
Our software products enable our devices to make image capture, review, sharing and storage of opto map images easier and more dynamic. Utilizing our ProView™ technology, opto map images offer the only anatomically correct 200⁰ or 82% image of the retina.
Manage user accounts. ADMINISTRATORS ONLY. A user account defines the Optos Advance user’s username, role, and group assignment. The user’s privileges are shown in the user’s account and can be modified. You can also lock user accounts and reset user passwords.
Manage your user profile. You can manage information in your user profile. You cannot change information such as your username and privileges. If you access Settings while viewing a study, select Back to Viewer to return to the image viewing area. Select Settings. Under User Management, select Profile. Change information in the Account area.
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