nism registration login
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NISM offers various certification examinations in securities markets in India. To register and pay for the examinations, visit the online payment gateway and follow the instructions.
NISM is an autonomous institute under SEBI that offers courses, certification exams, research and outreach programmes in securities markets. To access NISM’s online services, you need to register and login with your credentials.
How to Register and Enroll – National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) Certification Examinations. CPE / eCPE. Joint Certification. Accredited Certifications. Examination Committee.
Login. ( Login into NISM Certification Portal using your registered email ID and password) Enrollment. (Click on New Enrollment for NISM.
Learn the rules and regulations for registering and appearing for NISM Certification Examinations. Find out the details about enrolment, payment, study material, admit card, identity proof, reporting and more.
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