myconferencetime login
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MyConferenceTime sends email confirmations (and frequently sends email reminders) to participants who register for appointments. When a participant unsu… Fri, 5 Mar, 2021 at 8:40 AM. Find a School or Group. You can use this tool to search for a school or group.
Staff who are logged in to MyConferenceTime can add conference registrations to personal calendars. Log in Go to the schedule For Outlook appointments, …
Log in. In the “Options for [your name]” menu, select “Create a New Schedule.” Give the schedule a title (required) and add a comment/instructions (optional). Examples of a title: Fall Conferences, October Conferences, May Assessment Meetings.
MyConferenceTime is a resource that schools can purchase to increase parent-teacher conference participation and eliminate outdated scheduling procedures. Learn how to create a conference schedule, add staff members, limit registrations, and more.
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