https armatus2 praesidiuminc com armatususer login
If you are searching for “https armatus2 praesidiuminc com armatususer login” and not getting the correct link for it, then use the below links.
Accedite ad et discite quomodo abusum sexualis in organisationibus curantibus infantes et adultos vulnerabiles praecavere possitis.
Training is key to abuse prevention. Let’s talk. Call 800-743-6354 or fill out and submit the contact form. Praesidium delivers online abuse prevention training for organizations.
Sign In. Forgot/Reset password. Need Assistance? Submit a Support Message.
At the core of the Armatus Learn to Protect System is a continually expanding library of engaging courses, each with clearly defined outcomes. Courses include research-based content, highly interactive multimedia activities, application scenarios, and a content mastery quiz.
Go to Enter the registration code: SACBBCSS. Fill out the form and click the link to enroll. Print the page or write down your user login and password. To begin training immediately, click the link or follow the instructions to the right to login later.
To Begin Training: Go to Enter your user login and password. Click on the title of the course to begin. Right Place, Right Time. Set the right conditions for learning. Create an environment with no interruptions, no phone calls, and no distractions.
Logging in and taking the training. Go to Enter your login and password. Click the orange Login button. On the next page, scroll down the page a bit until you see the courses listed. Click the title of training to open and take the training.
Staff may log in to to take their assigned training. The user name and password is typically (first initial)(last name) with a password of the last 4 numbers of their employee ID followed by ia. Example: Employee Big Bird with Kronos ID 90210: User name is
You need your username and password to log in. The Armatus login page can be found at: Once logged in you’ll see a welcome message from Amatus followed by the Safe Church training modules which you have been assigned to complete based on your ministry role(s). Technical Issues
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