holistic animal studies login
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Learn online animal bodywork techniques such as massage, kinesiology taping, Reiki and more with Holistic Animal Studies. Register now and access courses for equine, canine and feline professionals and owners.
Learn animal bodywork and holistic health from certified professionals. Enroll in courses for equine, canine and feline massage, acupressure, craniosacral therapy and more.
Offering small and large animal body alignment certification, equine kinesiology taping certification and non certification courses, canine kinesiology taping certification and non certification courses, equine massage certification and non certification.
Become certified in Canine Massage Therapy with this comprehensive online course. Learn Swedish Massage, Shiatsu, Myofascial Release and other techniques. This course is approved by NBCTMB and IAAMB. Available in all countries.
This course is packed with invaluable knowledge and information regarding the whole horse and their needs, and how to work with what nature intended. Course work can be saved and readily used as a guide. Great source of herbals remedies, mineral supplements, and product label information. Wonderful!
Go to our website to enroll: https://www.holisticanimalstudies.org Choose from the following courses as your free course: Animal Reiki Master Course, Animal Cold Laser Therapy Certification Course, Business 101, Myofascial Massage CE course, Canine Massage for dog owners, Equine massage for horse owners Learn more about the raffle here: https …
Email. Password. Remember me Forgot Password? If you are a human, ignore this field. Or sign in with. Create a new account. Presenting Holistic Animal Wellness Courses by Angel’s Animals LLC.
Holistic Animal Studies has got you covered! With fully online, self-paced courses that are meant for pet parents to learn canine massage , kinesiology taping and how to transition your pet to a raw diet!
At Holistic Animal Studies we offer online courses for professionals, animal owners and those seeking to become animal bodywork professionals.
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