dga login
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The MyConnext Reporting Tool is a secure and private online platform that allows members to safely explore available support, understand your rights, and report workplace misconduct. The 77th Annual DGA Awards ceremony will take place on Saturday, February 8, 2025, at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.
If you are a DGA member you may sign in below using your username and password. Logging in will enable features of the site that are provided exclusively to members. If you do not know your username and/or password please click on one of the help links below or contact us for assistance.
Welcome to the DGAConnect portal. Please login with your information below or request a new account. Remember username. Sign Up Forgot Password.
Username / Email.
MyPHP is the online portal for DGA Plans members to access their benefits and services. You need to enter your user name, password and multifactor authentication code to log in securely.
One of the most important benefits the DGA provides to its members is the DGA-Producer Pension and Health Plans.
Sign Up. Please enter the information below to verify that you are an authorized user. Back to Login.
Login Skip Launch FortiClient. SSO Login
The myPHP online benefits portal is open to all DGA Plans Participants and their dependents age 18 and over. Register today to put your benefits information in your hands.
The Writers’ Guild-Industry Health Fund and the Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan (collectively Fund/Plan) administer health and pension benefits for eligible writers.
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