counselgo login
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CounselGO is a tool to create and submit LEDES invoices for SimpleLegal customers. To use CounselGO, you need to be added as a user by your client and log in with your credentials.
Enter your registered email address and password, and then click Log in . NOTE: As of March 2022, CounselGO users are required to sign in using two-factor authentication (2FA). Logging in will send an automated message with a 6-digit verification code to your email address on file.
CounselGO is a portal for submitting invoices to clients who are using SimpleLegal to manage their e-billing and legal matters. CounselGO also helps track matters referred by clients and the timekeepers who work billable hours on those matters.
New User Access. If your firm is already using CounselGO to invoice a specific client and you need general access, please contact your firm’s CounselGO admin for account setup. For additional information on setting up your account, click here.
CounselGO is a vendor portal by SimpleLegal that helps law firms and legal vendors securely collaborate and communicate with you. Download the datasheet to learn how CounselGO can streamline your invoicing, budgeting, timekeeping, and matter management.
Learn how SimpleLegal has added WalkMe to CounselGO, their vendor portal, to help law firms work more efficiently and effectively. WalkMe provides step-by-step, in-app guidance for basic tasks within CounselGO, such as submitting invoices and managing users.
CounselGO is a vendor portal that simplifies invoicing and matter management for legal teams. It is part of SimpleLegal, an intuitive legal ops solution that helps you scale your business unit efficiently.
CounselGO is SimpleLegal’s intuitive vendor portal that makes submitting invoices a breeze.
User Account Setup. Product. Updated 7 months ago. Follow. If a CounselGO Admin from your firm recently added you as a user to submit invoices for a specific client, check your inbox for an activation email with a link to set up your password.
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