bc auction login
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The successful bidders can arrange a time/date to pick up their auction item(s) after payment has been processed. Please note, BC Auction can only accept online payments for purchases of $10,000 or less: To schedule an appointment for auction pick up or to arrange a payment of over of $10,000, contact your nearest location. Surrey (604) 501 …
BC Auction offers used surplus government assets to anyone with Internet access. To bid, you need to register and log in to the Bidder’s Section.
Help for BC Auction: Help Desk open from 8am – 4:30pm M-F: Contact us by e-mail
www.bcauction.gov.bc.ca is the official website of BC Auction, the online platform for selling and buying surplus assets from various public sector organizations in British Columbia. You can find and bid on a wide range of items, from vehicles and equipment to furniture and electronics, with online payments and pick-up options. Register for free and start saving today.
BC Auction is an online auction platform used by Asset Investment Recovery to dispose of surplus assets from provincial and federal governments and public sector organizations. To bid on items, you need to register here: BC Auction.
An online auction site selling surplus government and corporate assets; estate items, vehicles, furniture, tools, equipment and jewelry. We also conduct charity and fund-raising auction events across British Columbia. Join us to get another buy by auction.
View details & auction catalog and start bidding now. … BC V9Y8R9 Date(s) 6/2/2024 – 6/4/2024 … Auctions Login / New Bidder
O&PEN. Government Auctions in B.C. BC Auction. Get great bargains on used and surplus goods. Login to BC Auction. Legal Notice – Important. You are entering an official Government of British Columbia website.
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