amcb login
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Access the Certified Midwife Professional (CMP) online portal to manage your certificate maintenance and renewal. You need to log in with your username and password or register if you are a new user.
Certified Midwife – Total : 169: Certification Certification Number Status Certification Date Expiration Date First Name Last Name Discipline Primary Source
The Certification Exam. The American MidwiferyCertification Board (AMCB) [formerly the ACNM Certification Council (ACC)] is the national certifying body for Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNMs*) and Certified Midwives (CMs*). The certification function is a critical aspect of professional quality assurance in midwifery. Nurse-midwives have been …
Ask AMCB. Your source for questions from ACNM members about the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB), the transition from lifetime to time-limited certificates, and the AMCB Certificate Maintenance Program (CMP).
American Midwifery Certification Board, Columbia, Maryland. 1,962 likes · 18 talking about this · 10 were here. AMCB is the national certifying body for Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNM) and Certified…
refers to the education and practice of certified nurse-midwives (CNMs) and. certified midwives (CMs) who have been certified by the American College of. Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) or the American. Midwifery Certification Board, Inc. (AMCB), formerly the American College of. Nurse-Midwives Certification Council, Inc. (ACC).
AMCB is the organization that certifies certified nurse-midwives (CNM) and certified midwives (CM). Find out how to apply, schedule, and maintain your exam and certificate on their website.
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